Tuesday, October 16, 2018

(Stories and Art Work) - (F/M) pairings

(Aurora and Yuna) work in progress F/M
yuna is a simple human farm boy attracted to yuna who is friends with his older brother, yuna recently came out about his feelings about aurora to his older brother. yuna knowing that he could be killed for liking another male with in the human kingdom decides to follow aurora across the board since he is from the lion race only to find out later that the love of his life is female and now he cant return home. 

(Yuri and Jess) work in progress F/M
Yuri is part Leviathan with a over protective full Leviathan older brother, yuri now lives in a time where humans and pedigree live in peace and has grown board waiting for the adventure of a good fight to come his way. Yuri's older brother feeling sorry for him and having the power to send him to a time and place where a war is rage does so being the full Leviathan he is. yuri finds him self in the future where the war between humans and pedigree is once again is waring on. the government feeling gravitational activity shows up to where yuri has landed and engages him thinking hes using a new human weapon. yuri confused runs off only later to be drugged by a pedigree female whose was part of the team who responded to him and takes him into for questioning.  

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